82 miles of trail
connecting 4 counties
and 7 municipalities
The Plan
When completed, the Poka-Bache Connector will serve as a scenic and functional trail for walking, biking, and outdoor exploration, linking Pokagon State Park in Angola to Ouabache (pronounced “Wabash”) State Park in Bluffton. Spanning an impressive 82 miles, this trail is designed to unite the communities of Steuben, Dekalb, Allen, and Wells counties, fostering a sense of regional collaboration and shared identity.
More than just a pathway, the Poka-Bache Connector is an integral part of the broader United Trails initiative, a visionary project aimed at enhancing outdoor recreation, promoting eco-tourism, and creating new opportunities for residents and visitors alike. By offering access to the natural beauty, cultural landmarks, and vibrant communities of northeast Indiana, the trail is expected to become a premier destination for walkers, cyclists, and nature enthusiasts.
Additionally, the Poka-Bache Connector will play a vital role in supporting economic and cultural growth in all four counties it traverses. The trail will not only attract tourists to the area but also encourage local businesses, artisans, and community events to thrive along its route, making it a transformative project for the entire region.

Project Progress
Many of the connector pieces have been completed or currently in construction. Below is a video of the new section on the north side of Bluffton, Indiana.

Support Our Trails
Our trails connect communities, preserve natural beauty, and provide spaces for everyone to explore and enjoy. Your support helps maintain, expand, and protect these cherished pathways for generations to come.
Contribute to the General Fund: Make a broad impact by donating to our general fund, which supports trail maintenance, new projects, and conservation efforts across all areas.
Target Your Impact: Want your donation to make a difference in your local community? Visit our Ways to Help page to choose a specific county.

Poke-Bache Task Force
201 S. Jackson Street #24 • Auburn, IN 46706-9998
[email protected]
© Poka-Bache Connector Trail. All rights reserved.